Friday, August 2, 2013

Now You See Her by Jacquelyn Mitchard

Another purchase from the discards sale, made entirely on a whim.

This also was a refreshing read plucked from the mire of the teen lit section.  I always think every decent book would be a great movie, but I really think this could be especially cool and timely.  I think in essence it's about knowing yourself.  Which I guess you could say every book is about in some way, but I think that was the overarching thing in this entire book. (Gosh, I am so great at literary analysis.)  It made me think a good deal.

So much of life and the perception of "success" is based in fame.  Heck, the pinnacle of existence in the popular mindset is being famous. If you doubt me, think of how many times you've said or heard someone say, "well when you're a famous ______..."  I've said it many a time.  I'm trying to stop because it's a silly thing to say, but it's still totally unconscious sometimes. Which makes me a tad bit uneasy.

CONCLUSION: All in all, a book very clear-eyed about life and the ways it can get messed up, and what hard work some people have as a result.

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